Fostering Saves Lives
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

What does it mean to "foster" a dog?
Fostering for a rescue dog means that you provide a loving and safe home to a dog while the dog is in rescue. Some dogs are in
rescue for a short time, just weeks, and others may take longer to find the perfect home.

Does fostering cost me anything?
No! It is free! Fostering a COHPBR dog will only cost you time and love. All veterinary expenses are fully paid for by COHPBR. We provide all foster parents with: food, treats, crate, kennel (if needed), doggy door (if needed), beds/blankets, leashes, collars, and toys! We will also cover the cost of behavioral/training classes while our dog is in your care (class must be verified by COHPBR prior to enrollment).

How does fostering help the dog?
Some of our rescued dogs have been pulled from shelters or have been neglected for most of their life. Fostering a COHPBR dog allows him/her to experience life with a loving, caring family, learn valuable house and people manners, and will set him/her up for success upon future placement. Foster parents also help us learn our dog's likes and dislikes. This information helps us choose the perfect family for every dog.

Why should I foster?
Many reasons!
Fostering a dog will save two lives: the dog you are able to foster and the dog that you opened up a kennel space for. It's a small sacrifice for a very special life.
Fostering allows you to help a dog that has nowhere else to go and let's be honest, it feels good knowing you helped make the life of an animal in need infinitely better.
Fostering is perfect for people who would love a dog but aren't ready for a lifelong commitment.
Perhaps you don't know if a pit bull is the right breed for you and would like to take one for a "test drive". Foster!
Being able to see the changes and progress in your foster dog will make your heart flutter. Knowing that difference is because of you is priceless. Not to mention, the dog's future family will thank you.

What if I do not want to foster a dog anymore?
We will never pressure anyone into fostering one of our dogs. If, for whatever reason, you feel it is not working out then do not hesitate to contact us. We will remove the dog from your care.
If the dog was not a great fit for your family but you're still interested in fostering, we will do our best to find a better match.
We strive to do our best when placing dogs the first time but occasionally a foster will learn new things about a dog that we did not know. In such cases, please tell us. These personality traits or habits will help us place the dog in his/her future home.

Am I eligible to foster?
Fosters must be 21 years or older.
All pets in your home must be spayed/neutered, unless there is a valid medical reason for not having the surgery or you own a working dog (Police K9, Show Dog, Schutzhund, French Ring, etc.)

How do I become a foster?
Fill out our foster questionnaire to let us know you are interested in fostering for our program. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at with "Fostering" in the subject line.